Richard Warren

"Clearly I tap to you clearly along the plumbing of the world" (W S Graham)

Category Archives: Lawrence Atkinson

Lawrence Atkinson gallery additions

“Gallery” page for Lawrence Atkinson here (or use the tab above left) now has 17 sculptures added.

A little gallery for Lawrence Atkinson

A new page with thumbnails of all the images I can scrounge up of work by the Vorticist Lawrence Atkinson here, or use the tab up the top. 2D items done so far, the sculptures to follow.

rescuing Lawrence Atkinson

Lawrence Atkinson is one of the forgotten Vorticists. In particular, his sculptures should be rescued from an undeserved neglect. Some time ago I started a study of the painter Merlyn Evans (1910-73), with a view to showing the extent of his debt to Wyndham Lewis. In the process, I found that the young Evans had been particularly motivated by his encounter with Atkinson’s sculpture, extending the thread of Vorticist influence to the mid-twentieth century. Consideration of Atkinson in this context grew into a piece in its own right, which I have posted on a page here: “Lawrence Atkinson – Vorticist after Vorticism”. Find the tab above or click here.

There’s a box of stuff on Atkinson in the Tate Britain archives, which I have yet to trawl through. Meanwhile, this will have to do.